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Hazel -

Release Date: 09/27/2023


Changes in this release

ID Description Functional Area
14623 Added an error message when no "Customer Inventory" document is linked to the sales document Sales
14786 Added a new combine shipment calculation which groups invoices and credit memos by responsibility center Sales
14902 Added "VAT Registration No." field to sales quote, order and invoice pages Sales
16346 Added look up for the destination no. filter on the parcel selection Sales
16383 Added Signature and Date label at the bottom of the sales shipment report Sales
16582 Added parcel printing for sales return order masslines Sales
16631 Added Commissiontext and Ship-to fields to page Posted Sales Document Lines for shipment and return receipt lines Sales
16696 Added the correspondence type to the visit log entry page Sales
16757 Fixed posting group filter when using expressions on sales overview page Sales
16777 Changed captions of customer dashboard Sales
14796 Fixed issue that default purchase elements with variants were not copied to purchase line correctly Purchase
14809 Fixed item charge qty to handle issue Purchase
14421 Fixed issue that warehouse entries were not closed when using the parcel close function Inventory
16285 Added an "Item Variant List" for Transfer Orders Inventory
16859 Fixed deletion process of Certificate Groups so that the Certificate Assignments get deleted too Inventory
12979 Added possibility to post reserved parcels from quick registration Manufacturing
15534 Fixed empty massline after posting of production order through action "Quick Finish" Manufacturing
14137 Fixed deleting records in "Disposition Planning" when opening "Masslines" Warehouse
16174 Changed that the Shipment Date is printed on the "CMR Document" in the footer part instead of the Workdate Warehouse
16436 Added background printing for the warehouse pick when created from the disposition planning Warehouse
16438 Added the shipment hand over type for transport orders Warehouse
16579 Added lookup for the "Route Allocation No." in the "Disposition Planning" Warehouse
16591 Changed the confirmation message for action "Creating Route Allocation" and added a new notification Warehouse
16627 Fixed that description 2 was not transferred to item ledger entry for transfer shipments Warehouse
16633 Changed Picking List layout to show only take lines and improve formatting of quantity values Warehouse
16861 Fixed wrong title for masslines in the "ACAT Whse. - Rceipt (Wood)" Warehouse
9315 Added the QR Code on the "Sales Invoice" report layout Finance
16794 Fixed Issue where description in GL entry's were printed twice Finance
16726 Fixed issue that report header is moved up when no logo is printed Reports
16506 Added possibility to register separate Blob containers per Department Administration
16096 Changed EDI for small usability improvements EDI
16215 Fixed issue that storing files on root of Azure FileShare did not work EDI
16691 Added the delay invoice setting on the edi organisation to postpone the creation of the purchase invoice EDI
16716 Fixed issue with renaming files EDI
16459 Added decimal formatting in the "Non-Stock-Item" table for length, width, thickness and quantity per parcel Other
16542 Fixed the creating of an"Item" with an "Item Template" Other
16711 Added action "Certificate Product Classes" to Item List page Other