Table of Contents

Hazel Release

Thanks for checking out our Hazel Release. In the following chapters we would like to give you an overview of the new and exciting features that will be enabled after the update to this new version.

The Release is available from August 2023.


This is a major update. It contains changes that require your attention. There are things that should be checked before and after the update. Please read the Update Checklist carefully and make sure everything is prepared before updating.

Technical Details

The Hazel Release is based on Microsoft Business Central Version 22.4. This has an effect on the system requirements. Please have a look at the complete list of system requirements for BC22.

Compared to BC21, there is no change in system requirements. So if you are updating from version BC21, everything should work as before.

However there are changes that need to be done in the service tier configuration, please checkout the Update Checklist.

Business Central 22

The Hazel Version is based on Microsoft Business Central (short BC) Version 22.4. This version adds some new interesting features for you to check out. In this chapter we will highlight a few of them. The full list can be found here

Fix errors yourself with actionable error messages

To help you resolve issues when working with Business Central, we've added actions to error messages. Making error messages more user friendly helps build trust in Business Central and saves time by making it easier to correct issues.

Release Information

Drag and drop files onto the file upload dialog

Drag-and-drop experiences are essential to working efficiently. While this enhancement provides a minor boost to productivity and is a convenient alternative, it also puts Business Central on a path toward broader file upload experiences in future release waves.

Release Information

Undo transfer shipments

Sometimes people post incorrect quantities on transfer orders. For example, you may have made a transfer order with the incorrect number of items and then posted it as shipped, but not received. This feature lets you undo the quantity posting, make the necessary corrections, and then post the correct quantity.

Release Information

Control database locking behavior

Database locking is one of the main root causes for performance issues. When AL code takes fewer locks, it increases the performance of the system for users.

Release Information

Attach AL debugger to active session or next session

Just as with the snapshot debugger, attach the AL debugger to either an existing running session or to the next session for the specific user. In both cases, this is set up by specifying a session ID or a user ID in the launch.json attach configuration.

Release Information

Manage user permissions using security groups

As businesses grow and change, managing permissions can become increasingly complex. Security groups can simplify the process by allowing administrators to group users by department, job function, or other criteria, and assign permissions to the group as a whole. Using security groups to manage permissions can save time and reduce the risk of human error.

Release Information

Business Central server runs on .NET 6

The Business Central server now runs on Microsoft .NET 6. This improves performance and resource consumption on all AL code execution.

Release Information

Search in company data

Business Central now lets you search across all data that's relevant for your role, and not just business transactions. The most relevant results show first, which saves valuable time and gives users the opportunity to focus on higher-value tasks.

Release Information

Set up and sync master data across companies

Business Central makes it easy to move one company's setup to another company in the same environment. You can also synchronize master data between the companies.

Release Information

Access actions and navigation menu efficiently with keyboard

Only in English available

When time to enter data is critical, every keystroke and mouse click counts. Business Central adopts the familiar experience from Microsoft 365 applications, such as Excel and Word, to boost efficiency for keyboard users. Access keys with key tips help users quickly explore, navigate, and activate any action in the action bar, navigation menus, and other user interface (UI) elements.

Release Information

New Timber Features

Compared to the last Release, the Hazel Release is rather small. But there are still a lot of nice features that are added in this release. Also a lot of features were added throughout the last minor releases, so we can not recommend enough for you to check these out.

In this chapter, you can see a list of highlights. Please feel free to check out the corresponding workitems to get more information. At the end of this page, you will also see the complete changelog with all timber changes.


There are many highlights in this release. The biggest change is that the EDI App is now available on Microsoft AppSource. In this process the EDI App was split up into multiple seperate apps.

And this is not all. Please check out the changelog for all details.

Update Checklist

This is a major update and it can contain breaking changes. A few of them require manual actions. Please read this checklist carefully and check it for every environment before updating.


If you upgrade from earlier Versions, please read the update checklist/breaking changes of all versions that you skip as well. In this list you will only find the changes that are relevant if you update from Ginkgo to Hazel.

  • PermissionSets: The old PermissionSets are removed now. If these were used, you have to assign the new replacement PermissionSets. You can find the complete list down below in the breaking changes section.
  • The EDI App was splitted to multiple apps. This leads to a few breaking changes:
    • You may have to adjust customer apps to include the other apps as a dependency.
    • You may have to adjust PermissionsSets (e.g. for EVH, SSCC)
  • The EDI App was refactored for AppSource. This also means that all objects are now as internal as possible. If you need objects to be external again, please feel free to create a PR or Workitem so that these can be made extensible.
  • Uninstall not used Apps: The EDI Split introduces a few additonal apps: EVH, EVH Converter, SSCC. These apps are installed in the upgrade process. Please remove any apps that are not used.
  • Changes for custom EDI Partners: If you have custom EDI Partners, there are a few changes that need to be done:
    • EAN and ILN are now called GTIN and GLN
    • The EDI Export is changed to a temporary table. Details how to change it in a custom Partner Codeunit can be found here

Technial Changes

  • SSO: The setting ClientServicesFederationMetadataLocation is deleted and replaced by the ADOpenIdMetadataLocation. The ADOpenIdMetadataLocation format is:<TenantID>/.well-known/openid-configuration e.g. ""
  • ManagementApiServicesEnabled and ManagementApiServicesSSLEnabled are introduced with BC21 and are now mandatory with BC22. For details on how to set them up, please check out this site.

The Technial Changes are automatically taken care of for maac and saas environments

Breaking Changes:

The following Changes include changes that can possibly be breaking.

Fixed the calculation of price when having Additional Charge Code
The Additional Charge Extended Amount of the resource is now considered as excl. VAT. The caption is also changed to make this clear.

Before this change, the price was just copied as is. So if the document was incl. VAT it was incl. VAT, if was excl. the price was considered excl. 
For customers that use Prices incl. VAT in the document and also use additional charge lines with Calculation Type "Ressource Sales Price (Extended Amounts)", this might be a breaking change.


Fixed by removing obsolete permissions
Removed old permission sets. Please check if a user was already assigned one of those old permissions. If yes, then it needs to be added one of the new ones:

(left is old permission, right is the replacement)

CashRegEdit -> Timber Sales
DispoEdit -> Timber Inventory
DispoView -> Timber Inventory
InvEdit -> Timber Inventory 
InvView -> Timber Inventory 
ProdEdit -> Timber Manufacturing
ProdView -> Timber Manufacturing 
PurchEdit -> Timber Purchasing
PurchView -> Timber Purchasing
SalesEdit  -> Timber Sales
SalesView -> Timber Sales

Moreover, please notice that in WMS Extended, the two existing permissionsetextensions were merged into only one stand-alone permission set : "WMS Extended" Permission Set and it is assigned to the Timber Inventory Permission Set


Changed EDI App by splitting it to better defined apps
To be added
Assign new EVH Permission Set


Changed EDI App to remove unused code
Moved EAN to standard field GTIN with reduced length
Moved ILN to standard field GLN with reduced length
Automatic update logic:
If Content is longer, than a new unique number with 10 character is generated. This is meant for internal processes.


Changed Scopes in EDI to internal
Everything was set to internal so that it can not be used/extended from other apps. 
The reason for this is to be flexible in AppSource. If the code is internal, it is easier to do changes afterwards. 

If you need any procedures, please create a PR or Workitem for it and we open these up.


Changes in this release:

ID Description Functional Area
14358 Fixed the calculation of price when having Additional Charge Code Sales
14952 Fixed the additional charge calculation if the calculation is done per ratio % Sales
15091 Improved performance of calculation in Shipped not Invoiced Sales
15102 Fixed to short "Item No." in the "ACAT Sales Order List" report Sales
15141 Fixed issue that editor text block was marked as system entry after copying Sales
15248 Added Search Option "Your Reference" to "Find Documents" in Customer Dashboard Sales
15578 Fixed the parcel no. necessary while syncing values from sales line masslines to assembly masslines Sales
2508 Changed Curr. Span % on Sales Lines to be editable and to calculate the Unit Price Sales
12659 Fixed the bug where the "Warehouse Receive Message" is popping up too often Purchase
15444 Fixed dates and wrong translation of m³ in "Purchased Cert. Prod. Cat." report Purchase
11716 Added field "Variant Mandatory if Exists" and adjusted Timber according to it Inventory
14976 Fixed issue that planned prod order can't be created from cust. inv. receipt Inventory
15797 Fixed the validation of the field gross tally / net tally % Inventory
15871 Fixed the placement of the action create variants by batch in the item card Inventory
14491 Fixed the main planning lines for the production planning line with routing reference no other then 10000 are also created Manufacturing
14950 Fixed the unit cost calculation in the prod. undo consumption report Manufacturing
14988 Fixed transfer of special order information for transfers to whse rcpt lines Warehouse
15773 Fixed unnecessary check for existance of Bin in AutomaticSetupExists Warehouse
13783 Fixed possible cause for black squares on reports that appeared on printed documents Reports
14447 Fixed LogInteraction for "Purchase Order" Report and some other reports Reports
15738 Changed dimension logic in QR Code Layout 2 in Parcel Card Reports
15867 Changed the route allocation freight list to show the ship to information for sales orders Reports
14717 Removed old PermissionSets Administration
12047 Added Mail Logging for Exchange Online DocBox
11974 Changed EDI App by splitting it to better defined apps EDI
13399 Changed EDI App to remove unused code EDI
13442 Changed Scopes in EDI to internal EDI
14366 Removed DocBox Dependency from EDI EDI
14909 Fixed "ACAT Sales Shipment Date" on Prod. Planning not being updated after change of "ACAT Shipment Date (From)" on Sales Header Other
15790 Added Images to all remaining actions Other
15818 Fixed issue that the Text Editor was not changed when changing records on the card Other
15842 Added actionable error for the Credit Limit Exceeded error Other