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Ipe -

Release Date: 04/25/2024

Changes in this release

ID Description Functional Area
22118 Added option to select parcels in sales when a transfer order is created Sales
23857 Added a new setup to control the item availability check so that sales lines connected to a transfer line can be skipped Sales
24358 Changed the visit log entry editor so that it is editable when opened again Sales
16688 Added the minimum order qty and minimum order unit to the item vendor table Purchase
23379 Changed Req. Line behavior in cases where it was not possible to change to the Purchase UoM Purchase
23580 Fixed variant sync if the dimensions are fixed Purchase
21744 Changed that SKU's are skipped in the calculation of the requisition worksheet if the item is blocked for purchase Inventory
22796 Fixed Invoiced Quantity must have the same value as Quantity error when undoing Posted Transfer Shipment Warehouse
24966 Fixed the rounding issue when the pick worksheet is used Warehouse
25453 Fixed the printing of the order guidance card from warehouse pick if the pick is related to an transfer order Warehouse
25503 Changed the insert disposition planning codeunit to prevent mulitple modifies Warehouse
25534 Fixed the wrongly posted entries from warehouse receipt Warehouse
23998 Added payment service integration for reminders Finance
25553 Fixed the printing of the summarized Volume and Weight Reports
25708 Fixed an issue that EDI imports would fail on partner ACADON when a different identifier for GTIN/EAN numbers is used EDI
25604 Added notifications about remaining test period for bc online customers Other
25631 Fixed issue that Quantity is not reset when open Variant Box multiple times for Transfer Lines Other