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Juglans -

Release Date: 01/15/2025

Changes in this release

ID Description Functional Area
33076 Added the possibility to upload sales order with the pre-shipment document printed OnRoute
11168 Added table to archive the Pre/AfterText for sales documents Sales
33010 Changed the unit price per pu lookup on the sales line to show all customer prices Sales
33993 Added archived Quotes/Orders to Customer Sales History Sales
34425 Fixed that automatically inserted line comments to not overwrite existing comments on the header Sales
34666 Fixed the calculation of payment discount date when changing the value date Sales
34773 Fixed gross and net weight negation when reversing shipments Sales
34836 Changed that on using an item substitution the Default stock location code of the purchasing code gets considered Sales
34277 Changed parcel selection calculation to improve performance Inventory
34301 Fixed the item journal posting when location is not mandatory and the location code is empty on the line Inventory
34593 Fixed wrong registrationtype on warehouse entries after transfer receipt of item with location specific item setup Inventory
34837 Fixed recusive call by providing manual No. in a inventory document Inventory
35174 Fixed the updating of the bin code while creating phys. inventory recording lines for stack items Inventory
34142 Fixed incorrect start, ending and due dates on status change or update unit cost on production orders Manufacturing
34818 Fixed decimal places for quantity in production order pages the quantity field is now formatted correctly Manufacturing
30818 Added new logic for direct transfers in correlation to transfer routes Warehouse
33840 Added the fields customer no. and ship-to code in to the document tour information Warehouse
34486 Fixed Certificate Code not being taken over to new parcel no information under certain conditions Warehouse
34989 Added route allocation detail factbox to present totals Warehouse
35128 Changed the Mark as Seen function in Dispositon Planning to perform a validate on the Seen field to enable integration from other apps Warehouse
34606 Fixed Value Entries containing no Variant Code under specific conditions Finance
34786 Fixed Vendor Ledger Entries Filter when the page is opened Finance
35089 Added "Pmt. Disc, Given (LCY)" field to Customer Ledger Entries page Finance
34791 Added change unit of measure logic for job planning lines Job
34867 Added a Sales - Draft Invoice Report Reports
33854 Added activation of exporting TOD Segments EDI
34457 Changed EDI Partner Hornbach according to guideline EDI
23011 Fixed the posting of a item where the the location requires shipment but the "Use Qty.To Ship in Shpts" is false Other
34898 Changed unit conversion missing error to an actionable error message Other