Juglans -
Release Date: 01/15/2025
Changes in this release
ID | Description | Functional Area |
33076 | Added the possibility to upload sales order with the pre-shipment document printed | OnRoute |
11168 | Added table to archive the Pre/AfterText for sales documents | Sales |
33010 | Changed the unit price per pu lookup on the sales line to show all customer prices | Sales |
33993 | Added archived Quotes/Orders to Customer Sales History | Sales |
34425 | Fixed that automatically inserted line comments to not overwrite existing comments on the header | Sales |
34666 | Fixed the calculation of payment discount date when changing the value date | Sales |
34773 | Fixed gross and net weight negation when reversing shipments | Sales |
34836 | Changed that on using an item substitution the Default stock location code of the purchasing code gets considered | Sales |
34277 | Changed parcel selection calculation to improve performance | Inventory |
34301 | Fixed the item journal posting when location is not mandatory and the location code is empty on the line | Inventory |
34593 | Fixed wrong registrationtype on warehouse entries after transfer receipt of item with location specific item setup | Inventory |
34837 | Fixed recusive call by providing manual No. in a inventory document | Inventory |
35174 | Fixed the updating of the bin code while creating phys. inventory recording lines for stack items | Inventory |
34142 | Fixed incorrect start, ending and due dates on status change or update unit cost on production orders | Manufacturing |
34818 | Fixed decimal places for quantity in production order pages the quantity field is now formatted correctly | Manufacturing |
30818 | Added new logic for direct transfers in correlation to transfer routes | Warehouse |
33840 | Added the fields customer no. and ship-to code in to the document tour information | Warehouse |
34486 | Fixed Certificate Code not being taken over to new parcel no information under certain conditions | Warehouse |
34989 | Added route allocation detail factbox to present totals | Warehouse |
35128 | Changed the Mark as Seen function in Dispositon Planning to perform a validate on the Seen field to enable integration from other apps | Warehouse |
34606 | Fixed Value Entries containing no Variant Code under specific conditions | Finance |
34786 | Fixed Vendor Ledger Entries Filter when the page is opened | Finance |
35089 | Added "Pmt. Disc, Given (LCY)" field to Customer Ledger Entries page | Finance |
34791 | Added change unit of measure logic for job planning lines | Job |
34867 | Added a Sales - Draft Invoice Report | Reports |
33854 | Added activation of exporting TOD Segments | EDI |
34457 | Changed EDI Partner Hornbach according to guideline | EDI |
23011 | Fixed the posting of a item where the the location requires shipment but the "Use Qty.To Ship in Shpts" is false | Other |
34898 | Changed unit conversion missing error to an actionable error message | Other |