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Ipe -

Release Date: 05/29/2024

Changes in this release

ID Description Functional Area
24747 Added "Navigate Order" action to the archived sales order Sales
24964 Fixed identifying the Item Reference in Purchase Line when created from Sales Order Sales
25573 Added an action to refresh all unit costs on the sales quote to get an actual insight of the margin Sales
26446 Fixed issue that the the destination information was set when a parcel is added to a sales quote Sales
25097 Fixed issue that when creating a sales order from purchase orders the unit cost and piece per unit were not set correctly Purchase
15822 Added the difference % field on the phys inventory order line Inventory
23744 Changed that the location code isnt editable on the parcel no. information card Inventory
26379 Added the parcel no. information list to the usage category lists Inventory
26593 Added length, width and thickness to item variants that are created from non-stock items Inventory
26795 Added fields vendor parcel no, destination type, destination no. and destionation name to the item parcel subpage Inventory
26338 Changed error message when finishing production order with linked transfer order Manufacturing
26527 Fixed issue that masslines tried to sync to sales for production orders of source type "item" Manufacturing
26787 Fixed issue that create sales order line does not work on production worksheet Manufacturing
26794 Added the customer inventory to retrieve masslines to fill fields like vendor parcel no Manufacturing
22532 Fixed bug that the location is not updated in the customer inventory masslines after changing it in the customer inventory line Warehouse
25955 Added the source no and source line to the qty handle error message if qty to handle is smaller in the pick worksheet Warehouse
26229 Fixed issue that the route calendar calculated the disposition with the wrong code Warehouse
26669 Fixed Reminder Text Line replace of placeholder %50 in endtext Finance
23561 Added prepayment functionality for invoice report Reports
26438 Fixed issue that item variants with different mass calculation code were summarized Reports
26468 Fixed the Pre-Shipment Report by allowing to print the drop shipment positions Reports
26419 Added Setup for No. Series to Wizard Administration
26432 Added more default settings to the wood setup initialization Administration
24318 Added Sales Return Archive to Navigate Setup for Posted Sales Credit Memo DocBox
26503 Fixed issue that archiving the Bill of Parcels decreased the wrong print counter DocBox
26589 Changed Source Type Table Relation in EDI Agreement to reference Source Type instead of Message Type EDI
25916 Changed filter so that the "Move Lines" action moves only the selected lines in the drying chamber batch Other