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Ipe -

Release Date: 03/13/2024

Changes in this release

ID Description Functional Area
23218 Fixed when the Pre/Aftertext for shipment and invoice gets deleted Sales
23406 Fixed issue that prepayment credit memo can't be posted for additional charges Sales
23525 Fixed wrong quantity in transfer order created from extended supply planning Sales
23759 Fixed issue with closing masslines in sales return orders in combination with reason codes Sales
20200 Fixed the recreation of purchase line masslines the reference to the sales line massline is now also restored Purchase
23679 Fixed creating Prod Order Component Masslines from Customer Inventory Inventory
22554 Changed Prod. Worksheet Routing Group so Standard Task Code value stays same when changing the Work Center with same Processing Type Manufacturing
22873 Fixed question when executing the action "Clear Chamber" on the "drying chamber batch" page Manufacturing
16168 Added the release check for route allocation header and lines Warehouse
22330 Changed the bin set visibility the code is moved to a seperate codeunit with correct permissions Warehouse
22343 Added the possibility to register picks in batch from the warehouse pick list Warehouse
22506 Added the order no. field to the transfer shipment and transfer receipt Warehouse
23254 Changed behavior of the transport cost field on the shipping agent page when enabling the external transport Checkbox Warehouse
23303 Added ship to address printout on pick document for transfer orders Warehouse
23603 Added document sorting for registred warehouse picks warehouse put away and warehouse movement Warehouse
23604 Added the field no. printed to the warehouse pick page Warehouse
8453 Changed the combine shipment method code is now taken from the sales header instead of the customer Finance
18595 Fixed not being able to insert lines in cash registration after get sales order Finance
23334 Changed combine shipment so that "Payment Method Code" is also set for single invoices Finance
23566 Fixed issue that the default payment service was not set when creating invoices over the combine shipment journal Finance
23394 Fixed quantity calculation in job journal and job planning line with a piece per unit bigger than one Job
21928 Fixed the Pre-/After-Text print on transfer shipment / receipt Reports
22487 Added setting to print remaining amount on sales invoice report Reports
23186 Fixed translations for special values of the type country/regions names Reports
23524 Changed the GetPostingNo in several reports function moved to sales header table Reports
23565 Added the word layouts for sales invoice, credit memo and proforma invoice Reports
23592 Fixed issue that some reports did not get the correct values from warehouse documents Reports
23752 Fixed issue that emtpy lines were printed for hidden comment lines Reports
21897 Fixed the creating of sales lines when items dont have item reference no EDI
23668 Added support for variant resolution via GTIN for EDI Partner ACADON in inbound ORDERS process EDI
23735 Fixed an issue where SalesInDeBouw invoices would fail to import on using less common type codes EDI
23753 Fixed an issue with SalesInDeBouw 005 EDI
23755 Added Field to INVOIC_SICopyDocToEDIDoc in EDI Partner Additional EDI
23800 Fixed an issue where EDI partner Bouwmaat would fail to import ORDERS containing an IMD+F segment EDI
24000 Added event to EDI Accept INVOIC EDI
20717 Changed layout of cutting order report ACO