Hazel -
Release Date: 12/19/2023
Changes in this release
ID | Description | Functional Area |
15882 | Fixed creating a blanket order from sales quote when there is a purchase quote connected to it | Sales |
17905 | Added search bar to the Route Calendar | Sales |
19333 | Fixed update from purchase quotes connected sales quotes | Purchase |
19359 | Fixed the setting of the planning flexibility on the purchase line | Purchase |
19474 | Fixed the change unit of measure for dropshipment orders when its done via the field unit of measure code | Purchase |
19892 | Fixed error that sales line doesnt exists while entering variants from the item variants action in the purchase order | Purchase |
17612 | Fixed the extended supply planning that the created purchase order has the correct location code in the header | Inventory |
19298 | Fixed the item ledger entry lookup that the variant code is added as a filter | Inventory |
20041 | Fixed that the default variant code is editable when variant mandatory is activated | Inventory |
20061 | Fixed check on empty location code for direct transfers | Inventory |
16458 | Changed that not certified components are allowed on producing certified composed products | Manufacturing |
18399 | Fixed wrong "Destination" field assignment for new "Parcel No. Information" after using "Create Parcel Reposting" | Manufacturing |
19180 | Fixed the check on prod order waiting for release so that the right instance of the record is used | Manufacturing |
19415 | Changed the order of processing in the create related documents codeunit | Manufacturing |
19671 | Fixed the error message when the production is connected to a transfer order | Manufacturing |
20029 | Fixed that the reference order status got lost when creating requisition lines from production | Manufacturing |
17559 | Changed logic to allow changing Piece per Parcels in not base item unit of measures even after related documents exist | Warehouse |
18782 | Fixed bug of printing less items when choosing "By Item" in report "List of Avail. Packages" | Warehouse |
19179 | Fixed warehouse shipment posting with stack items on different bins | Warehouse |
19274 | Added Responsibility Center and Ship Location Code to the Route Calendar | Warehouse |
19502 | Fixed Autofill Qty. to Ship in Whse. Shipment for stack items | Warehouse |
19539 | Fixed headline of reports always being in the user language, instead of being in the report language | Reports |
20060 | Fixed that the mass headlines were printed in local language if the sort by certificate with label was used | Reports |
19771 | Fixed error when validating "INVOIC - Picture Import Directory" in EDI Organization | EDI |
20135 | Fixed issue that Calculate Planning action in the Purchase Worksheet calculated the quantity twice | Other |