Added possibility to pick different qty. and change variant code from warehouse
New features added at warehouse pick functionality which allows change quantity and variant code from warehouse pick document.
How to setup?
If you want allow to pick greater quantity then it must be set up at Location card:
Over-Pick Warning - behavior when picked quantity is greater:
- Error - over-pick not allowed, always return error (default/standard logic)
- Warning - show message for which line picked greater quantity
- Confirmation - ask user if they want to change qty
- No warining - change quantity without any notification
Over-Pick Tolerance % - percentage by which the picked quantity is allowed to be exceeded
Update Price per Unit - enable if need to recalculate Price after quantity changed (e.g. from Sales Price)
Over/less picking process
To over-pick quantity just select needed unit/quantity to handle in warehouse pick document. During the posting warehouse pick BC will check if it's allowed by setup and return the warning/confirmation if needed.
To pick less quantity select smaller unit/quantity to handle in warehouse pick document and enable flag "Close Source Line" in Place line:
As result after posting new quantity will be taken to related sales lines/masslines and warehouse document.
Change variant code
Now it's possible to change variant code directly from warehouse pick. To do that select Take line and run action "Change Variant Code". Then select needed Variant Code from the list: