Table of Contents

Fir Release

Thanks for checking out our Fir Release. In the following chapters we would like to give you an overview of the new and exciting features that will be enabled after the update to this new version.

The Release is available from August 2022.


This major update is not like the typical minor update. It contains a lot of changes that require your attention. There are things that should be checked before and after the update. Please read the Update Checklist carefully and make sure everything is prepared before updating.

Technical Details

The Fir Release is based on Microsoft Business Central Version 20.2. This has an effect on the system requirements. Please have a look at the complete list of system requirements for BC20.

Compared to BC19 the system requirements are almost the same. The most noticeable change is that the windows server is increased to version 20H2 or later. Windows Server 1809 is no longer in the list of supported servers.

Business Central 20

The Fir Version is based on Microsoft Business Central (short BC) Version 20. This version adds some new interesting features for you to check out. In this chapter we will highlight a few of them. The full list can be found here

Check documents and journals in while you work

If enabled Business Central will validate the data you enter on documents and journals while you work. And display all potential errors in a factbox.

Release Information

Consolidate customer and vendor balances

You can turn a contact company into a customer or vendor by using the Create as Customer or Create as Vendor actions on the Contact Card page. This link is a prerequisite for seeing the Balance as Vendor field on the Customer page and the Balance as Customer field on the Vendor page.

Release Information

Finding documents and entries efficiently

The existing capabilites to use the find related documents and entries has been extended to also be available on all role centers.

Release Information

Release and reopen multiple documents

To make it easier to quickly identify documents that are open or released, especially when viewing a list of documents, the Open and Released statuses have different font colors. When you release or reopen multiple documents, a confirmation will show the number of documents that are selected and the number that remain unchanged.

Release Information

In-client performance profiler

The in-client performance profiler will be a new app page that can be reached on its own or from the Help & Support page. It can be opened in another browser window side-by-side with the user experience that you want to profile so that you can make sure the capture is as concise as possible and only contains the relevant steps.

Release Information

Multiple layouts of the same type in reports and report extensions

A new top-level section for rendering in report and report extension objects makes it possible to specify multiple layouts, including layouts of the same type.

Release Information

Usability improvements to the web client

The web client is continuously being improved. The changes include:

  • Navigation

    • When you navigate to related entities using the Peek feature for entities where the card or document page is not present, the Peek feature offers a new Open full list option so that you can go to the relevant list.
    • When a FastTab expands, the page scrolls up so the next FastTab caption is visible.
  • Data entry

    • Improved behavior of lookups on fields with table relations, such as the Description field on sales documents. The new behavior creates a distinction between fields that are simply a lookup to a related table and fields that allow free text with the assistance of a dropdown menu to choose from a predefined value.
    • When a message dialog interrupts typing into the next field, the characters you entered are no longer discarded.
    • The web client preserves a few empty lines at the end of an editable list so that filling out data vertically across rows never runs out of space.
  • General look and feel

    • Minor visual updates, such as a refreshed loading screen and updated iconography for specific system actions
  • Decimal Separator

    • Improved predictability when using the decimal separator key on the numeric keypad

Release Information

Use Excel to design layouts for reports

With Excel layouts for Business Central reports, users can now create and edit report layouts simply by using the full palette of capabilities in Excel such as sliders, diagrams, charts, and pivot tables.

Release Information

The database for a Business Central environment makes performance counters and information about SQL queries available through Dynamic Management Views (DMVs). It requires direct database access to be able to obtain this information, and for Business Central online environments, this is not possible due to security restrictions.

With this capability, the Business Central platform will make data about missing indexes available as a virtual table, so that the data can be accessed from AL code. We will also add a page on top of the new table to make it easy to get the data without having to write code.

Release Information

The Share menu in the Business Central web client now includes a Copy link action that copies the current page link to the clipboard.

Release Information

Isolated events

Extensions shouldn't be able to block critical processes such as sign-in or opening role centers. A failing extension should result in a degraded experience—not no experience at all.

Isolated events work like Codeunit.Run:

  • Each subscriber is executed in its own transaction.
  • Failures cause the transaction to be rolled back.
  • Errors are trapped and execution continues.

Release Information

App Structure

One of the main focus topics of this release was to get the app to app source. This leads to even more splitting of the app. The new app structure looks like this:


* = New Apps added with Fir Release

New Timber Features

The Fir Release contains a lot of new features and it is hard to pick just a few highlights. For example the app now supports the Phys. Inventory Orders as an alternative to the phys. inventory journal. Besides this, another standard feature is now supported: Document Sending Profiles. These will be used to support e-invoicing processes for our customers. And if you think that the timber solution is too complex. Check out the new module management to completely hide some features. In this chapter, you can see a list of highlights. Please feel free to check out the workitems to get more information. At the end of this page you will also see the complete changelog with all timber changes.


Update Checklist

This is a major update and it contains a lot of breaking changes. A few of them require manual actions. Please read this checklist carefully and check it for every environment before updating.

General Information

  • Personalizations: One important step to get the timber app app source ready was to add the prefix in all application objects. Unfortunately this has some impact on user personalizations, because the names of the controls and actions changed as well. It is likely that a lot of personalizations are broken/not working after the update. This should be explained to prevent user confusion.

  • External Connections: Because of the just mentioned renaming for the prefixes, it should be checked if any external components are available that cause issues. This could be sql views for PowerBi, PowerApps or external SQL Access from other applications. These kind of applications will probably have issues due to new table and field names.

  • Document Sending Profiles: The change to the default document sending logic has some impact on the way how mails are printed and the setup is done. It is recommended to explain the new behavior before doing the update to avoid confusion for the users.

  • Remove Apps: With the Fir release the app was splitted even more (See App Structure). After the update it is highly recommended to remove not needed Apps. Please take some time to check which functionality is used and which can be removed. Removing unused apps will make the application faster and future updates easier.

Before/After the update

  • Reports: As part of the update the old reports are removed. It should be checked which reports are used and how to proceed after the update. There are two options to consider.
    • Copy all reports to customer range
    • Switch to Reports 2.0

It is recommended to switch to the new Reports 2.0 before updating to prevent issues. In case that there is a mix of custom specific and old reports used, the old reports will be changed to the new reports automatically.

  • New E-Mail Logic: MS has removed the old E-Mail Logic. It is recommended to switch to the new Logic before doing the update to prevent any E-Mail related issues after updating.

  • Pim: The storage location File System is replaced by an Azure Blob Storage. Switch to Database before updating to move files to the database. Afterwards the new option for Azure Blob Storage can be used.

  • DocBox: There are multiple breaking changes in the DocBox:

    • Database: Depending on how the docbox documents were stored before, it is necessary to do some actions. The new and preferred way to store doc box documents with fir is in a Azure Blob Storage. If these were stored in an external sql database, it is possible to move them to the database before the update. After the update the documents can be moved to the Blob Storage.
    • Removed Mail Logging: The Mail Logging is removed, because it is replaced by the default mail logic. Please make sure that there are no open mails from mail logging as it is difficult to assign them afterwards.

Breaking Changes: The following section contains breaking changes that require manual attention. Please read them carefully and check if they are are relevant for the environment:

Custom Layout/Report Extension used for `Purch. Return Pick Up` report
Amount related fields have been removed for the 
Please adjust custom layouts/report extensions. 


Custom Layout/Report Extension used for `Document Test` report
Removed unused dataitem from Document Test Reports. Dataitem can be added with report extension if needed.


Custom Layout/Report Extension used for Report 2.0 reports Changed Reports 2.0 so that they get printed for all languages (incl. asian languages like JPN, CHI, ...). This change does not require immediate attention, but it should be planned for the upcoming month after the update. It is necessary to switch the reports to the new format, to prevent a runtime error in future versions.
The code inside the rdlc file is changed to a different character that is supported in asian languages. If you have custom layourts (either in a report extension or from a copied report that uses the standard procedure) you have to adjust these layouts as well. 

Please replace like this:
  • Split(HeaderData,Chr(177)) need to be replaced by Split(HeaderData,Chr(35))
  • Split(Cstr(Lines(i)),Chr(182)) need to be replaced by Split(Cstr(Lines(i)),Chr(37))
At the moment this is an feature that you can turn on in the acadon Feature Management once you prepared the customer layouts. It is recommended to switch it as soon as possible. The old way will be removed in the next major release. If you haven't switch by then, customer reports might break.


"One Approve Expected" setting is used in workflow user group
The "One Approve Expected" Feature is removed. This setting is not needed and can be replaced by setting up the workflows slightly differently: 

The default approval uses two different events when a approval request is approved: 
Only if there are zero outstanding request the record will be released. This needs to be changed like this: 
  • Remove the line with "outstanding approval requests >0"
  • Remove the condition of the line with "outstanding approval requests = 0" so that it shows "Always"

After this change, the behaivior is pretty much the same. The approval request is created for all members of the workflow approval group. If one user approves the request, the order will be released. But all other user will still see the approval request even if it is still approved by someone. The entry shows an amount of 0 so it is pretty obvious, but it can still be confusing. To have it excalctly like the "One Approve Expected" Feature, the following action has to be added to workflow: 



ADCS/MDE Solution is used
The fields "Pick Status Filter" and "Pick Filter" on page "ADCS Pick Tour List" were renamed.


Application App is not installed yet

Changed app json of all apps to application property instead of direct dependencies

This change was necessary because of a new rule added by Microsoft. Instead of setting the dependencies to the base application and system application directly, these are now inherited through the application app. Therefore the application setting in the app json is added for apps.

This change can lead to issues when updating the timber app in an environment where no application app was installed until now.
Please make sure that the application app is installed in all environments to prevent any issues.


Breaking Changes

In the following section the remaining breaking changes are listed. These should be automatically recognized when updating the apps. If you have some issues to change customer apps to BC 20, please check out our Update App Guide

Removed Wood Reports where a corresponding Report 2.0 exists
The old timber reports are now removed.
You can still use the old reports if they are copied as a customer specific report, but it is neccessary to copy the report functions as well. 

The following list shows all reports that will be replaced by new Report 2.0 implementations:


Changed the statement text size to 120 characters and added the possibility to translate them
If you use copied reports, the change in the linked PR need to be done for the copied reports as well


Removed Create Reminders Report and used Standard Report instead
The Timber related changes are now done in a report extension.
The Report "ACAT Create Reminders" was removed and a Report Extension "ACAT Create Reminders" was created instead.


Removed Delete Invoiced Documents Reports and used Standard Reports instead
Due to newly added events in the Base App Reports, we were able to use Subscribers to implement our own logic.

The following Reports were removed from timber and can be replaced by the standard reports:


Moved "Report Selection Manu. Wood" options to standard page "Report Selection Production Order"
Obsoleted Table "ACAT Report Selection Manu" and moved setup to the Report Selections.
Removed Page "ACAT Report Selection Manu." and extended "Report Selections - Production Order" for it.


Changed DocBox to be cloud ready
Unfortuantely this change contains a lot of breaking changes. Many procedures that used the filepath will now use a TempBlob variable instead.
Therefore a lot of procedures are removed. Additionaly a lot of unused procedures have been removed.

If you now have an issue with a procedure, you should do the following: 
  • Check if there is a new procedure with TempBlob instead
  • If the procedures is completely removed, than it is probably the case that this procedure was unused in docbox. In this case you have to copy the code to your custome extension.


Removed mail logging from
The Mail Logging will no longer be available in the Fir Release, because the same functionality can be archived with standard bc functionality:
1) The easy way is simply to use the build in e-mail module. All send e-mails will be saved to the document and customer/vendor and can be checked anytime. With this release it is also possible to see e-mails from different users. Please check the e-mail policy settings for this.

2) Under assisted setup, there is a setup wizard to create an e-mail logging via OAuth with exchange online. This requires some setup on the exchange to work. The integration will create Interaction Log Entries for the E-Mails.


Redesigned PIM App to be cloud ready
  • IB and EzBase are removed from PIM. For IB there is a seperate Integration as a standalone App. EzBase was only created for Sakol, but they are doing everything with IB now. So both are not needed in PIM.
  • Replace File System with Azure Blob Storage. Switch to Database before updating to move files to the database. Afterwards the new option for Azure Blob Storage can be used.


Make EDI App cloud ready
Unfortunately a lot of breaking changes are introduced in EDI. This is due to the fact that the connectors now work slightly different and it was not possible to test every connector/export etc. 

Just to mention a few points:
  • FileWork Connector changed
  • WSFTP removed
  • Nonstock Item Import removed (Can be replaced by ADDM)
  • EVH/EDI all File handling moved to BlobStorage/FileShare


Make Document Sending Profile usable
Instead of the fields on the customer card it is now required to use document sending profiles. The document sending profiles will be created automatically by the upgrade, but it is recommended to check all processes again. 


Removed After Comma Vacancy from Timber Setup
The field "After comma vacancy" is replaced by the new field "ACAT Decimal Places"


Added "ACAT" prefix to all objects
Added "ACAT" prefix to all objects within the Timber App.
Furthermore we needed to also rename objects due to the 30 character limit.


Changed Massline Totaling into own codeunit
Removed the CalcAverageDimension function of Codeunit "ACAT Masslines Management" and restructured the totaling in the new implementation "ACAT Massline Totals"


Changed Timber App to be cloud ready
Cutting Optimization moved to seperate App. App does not work in Cloud.


Splitted several modules from Timber to own apps
More Modules moved to seperate extension.

Unfortunately the report 2.0 reports where placed in the adcs id range. Therefore the report ids changed. 


Added acadon Base App for modules that are relevant for all acadon apps
Some modules are moved out of the timber app. The timber app will propagate the dependencies, so that you do not have to add it yourself, but the prefix has changed slightly. The prefix is now ACA for these modules:
  • BlobStorage/Fileshare Connector
  • Cache Mgt.
  • Module Mgt.
  • Feature Mgt.
  • Texteditor Add-In


Removed Stock Figures Management and Phys. Inventory Planner
The modules Stock Figures Management and Phys. Inventory Manager are removed. There are no replacements for these modules.


Removed not used fields in Timber
A lot of fields/tables are removed now. These fields were not used in timber at all. If your app needed one of those fields, please move the field to the app. 


Removed unnecessary table extensions for performance reasons
The feature to show the "Source Name" in the G/L Entries has been removed as it impacted heavily the performance.


Removed unused global procedures from timber
Removed all global, unused procedures from timber. If you are missing a procedure in a customer app, please copy this procedure from the PR linked to this Workitem to your customer app. 


Redesigned the usage of the AutoFormat functionality
In several tables the fields "Length Unit of Measure Code", "Width Unit of Measure Code", "Thickness Unit of Measure Code", "Diameter Unit of Measure Code", "Unit Unit of Measure Code", Parcel Unit of Measure Code" and the corresponding base Unit of Measure fields are removed.

A switch to new AutoFormatTypes is necessary in dependent Apps.


Removed Promotion Changes
Removed Promotion Module Changes


Changed EnumExtension value names to contain an affix
In order to match the Code StyleGuides defined in the AppSourceCop Analyzer, the values of enum extensions must have an affix.

All enum extension values without an affix were renamed in this release.
Affected are the following enums:

Enum::"Item Reference Type"
Enum::"Sales Line Discount Type"
Enum::"Prod. Order Source Type"
Enum::"Manual Setup Category"
Enum::"Warehouse Shipment Sorting Method"
Enum::"Whse. Activity Sorting Method"
Enum::"Report Selection Usage"
Enum::"Quantity Calculation Formula"
Enum::"Flushing Method Routing"
Enum::"Extended Text Table Name"
Enum::"Document Entry Document Type"
Enum::"Auto Format"


Changed Enum/EnumExt names to fit the max. 30 character length rule
In order to match the Code StyleGuides defined in the AL Compiler Diagnostics, the length of an enum identifier should not exceed 30 characters.

All enum/enumext objects with a name longer than 30 characters were renamed in this release.
The following Objects are renamed from:
  • "ACAT Report Line Placeholder Type" 
    • to Enum "ACAT Rep. Ln. Placeholder Type"
  • "ACAT Whse Shipment Sorting Method" 
    • to EnumExt "ACAT Whse Shpt Sorting Method"
  • "ACAT Standard Task Calculation Type" 
    • to Enum "ACAT Standard Task Calc. Type"
  • "ACAT Pst. Purch Pr.-/Af. Text Doc. Type"
    • to Enum "ACAT Pst. Purch Text Doc. Type"
  • "ACAT Pst. Sales Pr.-/Af. Text Doc. Type"
    • to Enum "ACAT Pst. Sales Text Doc. Type"
  • "ACAT Prod. Order Line Source Type"
    • to Enum "ACAT Prod. Order Ln. Src. Type"
  • "ACAT Note For Invoice Deductions Type"
    • to Enum "ACAT Note For Inv. Deduc. Type"
  • "ACAT Item Measuremnt Sales Type"
    • to Enum "ACAT Item Measurem. Sales Type"
  • "ACAT Item Measurements Sales Type"
    • to Enum "ACAT Item Measuremnt Sales Type"
  • "ACAT Editor Text Block Position"
    • to Enum "ACAT Editor Txt Block Position"
  • "ACAT Dispo Planning Source Type"
    • to Enum "ACAT Dispo Plan. Source Type"
  • "ACAT Cust. Price/Disc. Gr. Det. Sales Type"
    • to Enum "ACAT Cust.Pr./Disc. Sales Type"
  • "ACAT Cash Registration Report Selection Type"
    • to Enum "ACAT Cash Reg. Rep. Sel. Type"
  • "ACAT Cash Registration Entry Type"
    • to Enum "ACAT Cash Reg. Entry Type"


Changed CaptionClass logic to reduce database reads and increase overall performance
In this release the procedures to calculate Autoformat and CaptionClass are optimized to utilize platform caching and increase the overall performance. For CaptionClass the following procedures need to be changed: 

New Logic can be found in MeasureCaptionClass: Codeunit "ACAT Measure Caption Class"
  • Use MeasureCaptionClass.DynamicCaption instead of MassMgt.DynamicCaption (Attention: Mass Calculation Code "Base" is no longer needed)
  • Use MeasureCaptionClass.DynamicCaptionLotParcel instead of MasslinesMgt.DynamicCaptionLotParcel
The old procedures will still work for a while, but it is recommended to switch it in all apps.


Added affixes to timber related apps
After affixes added Tourbo Interface is broken, because it is based on direct SQL Access to the table Route_Planning_Line_Export. New name is "ACATRB Route_Plan_Line_Export"


Changed the way of reminders are send by mail to document sending profiles

The sending of reminders was changed to Document Sending Profiles. As a result there is no option for Fax anymore. Reminders can be printed or send as e-mail.


Changes in this release:

Workitem Description Functional Area
2153 Changed "Additional Charge Allocation" filtering on release Sales
2206 Fixed that Purchasing code is not taken from SKU Sales
2410 Added Calculation Groups to new Price Module Sales
3075 Fixed issue that it was not possible to take over min. price in span check Sales
3110 Increased Performance of Item Category Statistic in Customer Dashboard Sales
3399 Added an additional check in releasing documents to check that item charges are assigned Sales
3470 Fixed issue when copying lines from Sales History that quantity was empty Sales
3475 Removed Timber standard address and used BC implementation instead Sales
3510 Fixed issue that new Variant Code wasn't created when "Sundry Variant for Stock Items" enabled Sales
3611 Fixed issue that unnecessary "Unit Price changed" Message appears after copying from posted document Sales
3916 Changed the Last Invoice/ Last Quote information in the sales document pages so that they are more readable Sales
3944 Added field "Line No." as hidden field to all Sales and Purchase document subpages Sales
4141 Fixed AutoReserve calculation when option "Always" set on item Sales
4280 Fixed issue that is was not possible to post Sales Credit memos with Item charges assigned to stack items Sales
4885 Added the Ship-to Adress caption for the auxiliary info line option "All" in combine shipments Sales
5086 Removed Span Check for Items without Unit Price and Unit Cost Sales
5207 Removed Cash Customer check when validating Invoice on Delivery for Customer Sales
5440 Changed Combine Shipment to improve usability Sales
5556 Added the logic that the import material list is closed after creating all sales lines Sales
5691 Changed Customer Dashboard Comment Sheet Page to a ListPart (AL0269) Sales
5747 Fixed that the Vendor Reference page was shown in behind the Purchase Order when creating a Purchase Order from Sales Order Sales
5998 Changed the vendor shipment no field in the masslines, its not a flowfield anymore but a fixed field which improves the performance of the massline pages Sales
6124 Added SetLoadFields to Last Price Info to increase performance Sales
6293 Fixed issue that "All Language Codes" doesn't work in Deduction Text Sales
6588 Added the fields outstanding qty and outstanding unit on the blanket sales order subpage Sales
6594 Moved actions in Sales Quote\Order subpages to groups Sales
6658 Added the field Special Order Purchase No. in the sales order subpage and sales order overview Sales
6660 Fixed issue that Editor Text was not transferred from return order to credit memo from Combine Shipment Sales
6714 Fixed the unit cost calculation if we reserve a sales order line to a blanket purchase order Sales
6786 Fixed an issue where the Editor Text was not copied to Sales Credit Memos Sales
6857 Fixed behaviour when changing Bill-to Customer Name on Sales Quote when it was set to a Cash Customer Sales
6861 Fixed the release of the sales quote without a customer selected Sales
6900 Fixed the sales history page if its opened the page does not show all subpages Sales
6915 Fixed that the certification texts can be deleted manually Sales
6923 Fixed the wrong calculation of the available qty in the parcel selection Sales
6955 Changed Unit and Mass Fields to calculate totals in all documents Sales
6956 Fixed issue that Alternative Position was resetted when changing the customer in a sales quote Sales
6961 Fixed Price Sales Info Factbox on Priceinfo Sales Page to achieve expected behaviour when removing the customer Sales
6962 Fixed unit cost calculation on change UOM on Sales Document Sales
6965 Changed the filter for filter on inventory in price info sale to >0 instead of <> 0 Sales
6967 Changed error message in Sales Order to be better understandable Sales
7060 Fixed issue that Invoice No shown twice when copied to Sales Return Order Sales
7161 Changed information about existing quotes from confirmation dialog to notification Sales
7197 Fixed that not all summarized comments transferred to manual created sales invoice Sales
7198 Fixed issue that comments doesn't copy from shipment summarize line from posted shipment to invoice Sales
7217 Fixed issue that the item link was wrong when the report setting was set to print item and reference Sales
7237 Added the fast tab disposition for the sales quote Sales
7396 Added possibility of Closing Cashreg with Documents not posted in the Database Sales
2285 Added Vendor No filter at Calulate Plan Req. Worksheet Purchase
2458 Removed Price and Amount from Purch. Return Pick Up report Purchase
2725 Added the field type to the travel no table included new views for it Purchase
2739 Added the field Unloaded on the container list and container card to indicate if the container is unloaded Purchase
4314 Changed quantity and amount to show qty. to invoice in "received not invoiced" and "shipped not invoiced" pages Purchase
4489 Fixed the error with unit volume zero if we create purch order from purch blanket order Purchase
4856 Fixed issue that item charges posted only for first massline when collected from transfer receipt Purchase
5150 Fixed issue on correcting Posted Purch Invoice Purchase
5583 Fixed that Created Variant Purchase Lines not opened from Purchase Quote and Purchase Return Order Purchase
6006 Fixed the line already exists error on variant selection in purchase quotes Purchase
6381 Fixed the error if unit volume is zero if we have elements with type container Purchase
6383 Added logic that the length dividing lines are also closed if we close a blanket order line Purchase
6575 Added promised and requested delivery date for the blanket order and the blanket order no for the archived blanket order Purchase
6724 Fixed that the assignment for parcels to the sales order doesn't respect the selected unit Purchase
6898 Fixed issue that invoiced fields are not updated on purchase order masslines Purchase
6910 Fixed the error in the purchasing wood rolecenter while opening the purchase return order list Purchase
7085 Added the field shipping agency to the container for tracking the container per SCAC code Purchase
7319 Fixed issue that sales comments were not copied to purchase order in req. worksheet Purchase
7339 Added field "Sales Order No" to Requisition Worksheet Purchase
7522 Fixed issue that drop shipment is not set on Purchase Line when created manually Purchase
5297 Added the possibility to search on the vendor parcel no and parcel no Inventory
5372 Fixed Item Category Statistics action to open Item Statistics Inventory
5647 Added support for Timber Items and measure calculation for the Physical Inventory Order Inventory
6167 Fixed the placeholder for the action Create Production Order. Inventory
6223 Fixed issue that phys inventory journal is not splitted per measures for single items on bins Inventory
6421 Added the fields for inventory information to the item substitution list Inventory
6623 Added support for Standard Qty. per Unit of Measure behaviour Inventory
6912 Added the field max free duty storage date on the container Inventory
6943 Created the reservation actions in the item parcel subpage so that we get direct information about where the parcel is reserved Inventory
7024 Fixed issue that blocked variants are calculated in Phys Inv Orders Inventory
7025 Fixed issue that measures missed in Phys Inv Orders for Sundry Items and Certificate posting was not working properly Inventory
7089 Changed the filter for show only available from <> 0 to > 0 to avoid confusing about reservations and show the real availability Inventory
7357 Fixed the recalculation of the dimension on the item variant Inventory
7406 Added Length UOM description at Create Item Variants by Batch Inventory
7408 Added timber fields to Item Template Inventory
7562 Fixed issue that Phys Inv Order cannot be posted because of Entry already exists error Inventory
2417 Fixed that variant is not created in production from sales when "Use Variant for Stock" activated. Manufacturing
2750 Added new functions and sortings for the standard planning view Manufacturing
2809 Added the docbox to the drying chamber module Manufacturing
3168 Added the possibility to calculate the send ahead from round to stacked timber Manufacturing
4269 Added extra filters for the prod. planning filter Manufacturing
4350 Fixed unneeded message that prod. order does not exists in the workbench Manufacturing
4914 Fixed issue that variant box is not working in component lines Manufacturing
5154 Restructured Work Center Planning show previous function to reduce long running sql statements Manufacturing
5262 Fixed that Certificate Group Code was not set on calculate production from BOM components Manufacturing
5315 Added a check in ACO on thickness if the calculation type is panel Manufacturing
6163 Changed the acat update unit cost to default update unit cost report with an report extension Manufacturing
6284 Fixed the wrongly created subcontracting orders if send ahead calculation is active Manufacturing
6360 Fixed the error line doesn't exist if we insert a parcel no without lookup Manufacturing
6375 Fixed issue that posted assembly masslines were not created after posting Assembly Order Manufacturing
6426 Fixed that the actions in the prod worksheet are activated after change status to released Manufacturing
6717 Fixed issue that the wood subspicie was not editable in the standard task extra charge page Manufacturing
6916 Fixed the column width of the status and prod order no. field Manufacturing
6985 Fixed calculation for send ahead dimensions Manufacturing
6987 Fixed issue that Variant Code is not updated in masslines when changed on prod. component line Manufacturing
6990 Fixed missing translation in Prod. Order - Mat. Req. Report Manufacturing
6993 Fixed issue that routing is always set to status finished after Quick Consumption posting Manufacturing
6994 Fixed issue when opening the Drying Chamber Batch from Drying Chamber Planning Page Manufacturing
6995 Fixed issue that planned drying chamber duplicated on change batch no. Manufacturing
7130 Fixed the clearing of the wip amounts when changing the production order status from released to finished Manufacturing
7239 Fixed rounding issue on undo posted consumption Manufacturing
3335 Added Transfer Order to Report 2.0 Warehouse
3849 Fixed error on creating Whse Shipment from disposition planning when related Assembly Order exist Warehouse
3850 Fixed issue that creating a pick for assembly components from a warehouse shipment did not work Warehouse
3854 Fixed issue that stack item not possible to receive without measures when lot/parcel no. not neccessary Warehouse
4802 Redesigned notification from WMSE which now will be sent from Mail/Fax Entries Warehouse
4807 Fixed issue that lot/ parcel item tracking is not checked during whse. postings Warehouse
5277 Changed flowfields in Transport Unit Pages to not visible to increase performance Warehouse
5454 Added the Route Calendar to the acadon Upcoming Features page Warehouse
5662 Changed message when posting receipt with transfer orders to hidden Warehouse
6500 Added an additional check to the Assigment Status lot parcel the status stays check if there is a difference between location and source location Warehouse
6518 Fixed Warehouse Item Tracking creation Warehouse
6561 Changed flow of Pick Status when Posting Receipts for a special orders / transfers Warehouse
6589 Fixed the unit volume assignment for the transfer receipt line Warehouse
6899 Fixed wms pick so that input is handled depending on piece leaded posting Warehouse
7044 Add possibility to add "Shelf No." column to Phys. Inv. Recording table Warehouse
3534 Added "Posting Date Filter" at page "Shipped not Invoiced" Finance
3535 Fixed Unit Price and Discount values in Shipped not Invoiced page - values are comig from Sales Order/Return Order Finance
6914 Added missing features for document sending of invoices and creditmemos Finance
7226 Changed the way of reminders are send by mail to document sending profiles Finance
1362 Added report CMR Transfer Shipment Reports
3251 Removed Print Customer Address Field from all reports Reports
4065 Removed Wood Reports where a corresponding Report 2.0 exists Reports
5024 Added item no at Posted Cr. Memo report Reports
5083 Fixed issue that lines were hidden in Bill of Parcel report Reports
5295 Fixed visibility of Net payment terms amount at invoice reports Reports
5447 Fixed bold/italic styling for shipment reference comments on Sales Quote report Reports
5655 Fixed the summarize of the unit volume, net weight and gross weight if we dont print a specification Reports
5688 Removed unused dataitem from Document Test Reports Reports
5832 Changed the statement text size to 120 characters and added the possibility to translate them Reports
5891 Removed Create Reminders Report and used Standard Report instead Reports
5892 Removed Delete Invoiced Documents Reports and used Standard Reports instead Reports
6005 Created Phys. Invt. Recording report with mass details Reports
6030 Fixed issue that No. Printed is not updated in all documents when print multiple documents Reports
6413 Fixed issue that Cr. Memo description of Payment terms were not printed in reports Reports
6540 Fixed that the certification text isnt printed on the blanket sales order report. Reports
6672 Changed fields in Reports to labels so that they can be translated independently Reports
6751 Moved "Report Selection Manu. Wood" options to standard page "Report Selection Production Order" Reports
6963 Changed Reports 2.0 so that they get printed for all languages (incl. asian languages like JPN, CHI, ...) Reports
7212 Fixed issue when printing with the new price calculation and additional charges Reports
7233 Fixed issue that comments printed multiple times when Summarize Variants Reports
7338 Changed Sales Massline logic to allow Masslines on the Sales Pre-Return Receipt to be printed Reports
1051 Removed "One Approve Expected" setting in workflow user group Workflow
7020 Added Tooltips to Timber Setups Administration
7215 Changed "Standard (Ctrl + T)" from editor text block setup option to "Standard" Administration
7453 Changed the possible table numbers in the Release Setup List to just supported tables Administration
3642 Changed DocBox to be cloud ready DocBox
3904 Refactored to use TempBlob DocBox
5212 Changed acadon Archive Provider to support Rest Web Service instead of .Net DocBox
5378 Removed mail logging from DocBox
5513 Fixed behavior - now it is not possible to attach document if Sales/Purch document not inserted DocBox
6972 Fixed naming of Navigate page in and action in Customer Dashboard DocBox
7093 Fixed issue that email process is cancled when the user aborts doc box email selection DocBox
7168 Changed standard "Selection Init Value" visibility in Report Setup to false DocBox
3643 Redesigned PIM App to be cloud ready PIM
4694 Changed the adding of blocked Variants to a Container to work only if explicitly allowed PIM
6035 Fixed PIM Publication New Buttons PIM
3645 Make EDI App cloud ready EDI
3807 Fixed that the EDI licence import give a success altought no files was imported EDI
3808 Fixed that the EDI licence import was not possible with a client in dutch language EDI
4974 Changed the EVH Import so that Configurator Text will be added to the HTML Text if it is used for automatic texts EDI
6222 Added views for posted sales documents to check the edi state of documents EDI
7007 Changed Visibility of some columns on the "EDI Organization" page EDI
7009 Changed EDI Actions in documents to be visible by default EDI
7010 Fixed Translation "Illegal receiver identification" EDI
7014 Added assist edit for PDF Export Directory selection in EDI Organisation EDI
7345 Fixed Sales in de Bouw connector to work with attachments for credit memos as well EDI
7346 Fixed that the ship-to ILN was taken from the Shipping Adress altought it was empty there EDI
7390 Some new events have been added to simplify customer adjustments for EVH configurators EDI
7419 Added Intercompany for EDI INVOIC EDI
3146 Make Document Sending Profile usable Other
3509 Changed Layout of the length deviation part in parcel selection to a column layout Other
3902 Fixed issue that Unit to Receive/Ship is wrong after copying document Other
4208 Fixed issue that Quantity is not reset when open Variant Box multiple times Other
5129 Removed After Comma Vacancy from Timber Setup Other
5242 Fixed error message on check certificates for customer/vendors Other
5430 Changed Editor Text Block integration on documents to be directly editable Other
5888 Added "ACAT" prefix to all objects Other
5910 Added the actions for navigation to documents in the header of the blanket sales and purchase orders Other
5976 Changed Massline Totaling into own codeunit Other
6165 Fixed that the item packaging cards was not searchable in tell me search Other
6430 Added modules to module management Other
6431 Fixed issue that zero "Price Unit Conversion" is not possible to use when Timber installed Other
6958 Added action Attachment Assignment on Item card Other
7016 Added license check for Timber AppSource App Other
7017 Removed obsolete fields and objects from Timber app Other
7019 Added Timber permission sets Other
7051 Fixed OData webservices in WMSExtended app Other
7175 Changed Editor Text Block to not insert empty Editor Texts Other
7202 Changed wrong translations in ImportEntries from "Kreditorenposten importieren" to "Debitorenposten importieren" on two occasions Other
7214 Fixed issue that there was no default e-mail address for combine shipment invocies when docbox is installed Other
7251 Fixed issue that masslines had wrong Location Code in first massline if created after change Location Code in line Other
7302 Added after comma check for unit fields in masslines Other
5239 Changed the pagecustomizations to page exentions Extensibility
7334 Added events to AddExtendetTextModuls in DocTextMgt Extensibility
7363 Added Event to Price Calculation Mgt. Extensibility
7372 Added new event OnGetMailAttachmentBeforeModifyMailEntry in Report Distribution Mgt. Extensibility
7378 Added OnBefore Event for GetEntryPosition in "Editor - Text Block Mgt." Extensibility
7498 Changed Access Level of procedures used by acadon packaging Extensibility
7514 Added Event to handle the certificate sync between production and sales Extensibility