Juglans -
Release Date: 01/30/2025
Breaking Changes
The following Changes include changes that can possibly be breaking.
Fixed issue when changing due date on a production order when its created from sales/transfer-line
The behavior of the calculation of the due date in the prod. order line is back to BC standard behaviour. Now there is no difference anymore between due date of the prod. order line and the shipment date of the sales line or transfer line.
Formerly for calculating the Due Date, the Default Safety Lead Time field of the Manufacturing Setup was considered on creating a production order from a sales order transfer document.
The default safety lead time is by BC Standard already considered as difference between the Ending Date and Due Date of a production order.
Changes in this release
ID | Description | Functional Area |
34782 | Added functionality to expand existing sales documents from the parcel selection | Sales |
35233 | Fixed bug that confirm message is appearing two times when inventory is insufficient | Sales |
35896 | Changed the unposted document confirmation depending on the document selection on calculating the combine shipment journal | Sales |
36131 | Added option in additional charge codes to exclude corresponding lines in sales shipment printouts | Sales |
34181 | Added Purchase Pre/After Texts Archive | Purchase |
34790 | Fixed the order address handling for purchase documents | Purchase |
35054 | Fixed bug that ship-to information was not updated after changing the location code in a special purchase order | Purchase |
35557 | Fixed issue that filter could not be changed/removed in the vendor ledger entry page | Purchase |
36111 | Fixed Quality Document page to not go into infinite loop | Purchase |
35127 | Fixed generation of pick lines when the warehouse worksheet line are of type special order | Inventory |
28559 | Fixed issue when changing due date on a production order when its created from sales/transfer-line | Manufacturing |
28673 | Fixed the issue that Sales Lines Masslines are doubled when connected to Prod Journal Output | Manufacturing |
32689 | Fixed generation of masslines on picking list report | Manufacturing |
34914 | Added Standard Task calculation to BOM Cost Shares | Manufacturing |
35363 | Fixed production consumption flushing if there is no mass calculation code set on the prod. order component | Manufacturing |
35551 | Added massline card action to the customer inventory line massline and customer inventory documents | Manufacturing |
35678 | Fixed Dimensions handling for consumption items | Manufacturing |
36013 | Changed the synchronisation of the production text to sales so that internal texts are not copied anymore | Manufacturing |
24382 | Added the possibility to split the warehouse shipments per shipment date | Warehouse |
33106 | Added logic to sync Receiving/Shipping No. to Route Allocation if an order is posted from purchase/transfer orders instead of the tour | Warehouse |
35132 | Fixed that the IDM for transfer orders was always empty in the disposition planning | Warehouse |
35658 | Fixed issue that Transfer Orders could not created for Direct Transfer Routes with Require Receive Location | Warehouse |
36146 | Fixed error message when filtering for multiple vendor with a selected view on the vendor ledger entry page | Finance |
33517 | Fixed printing of masslines for reports when they are empty | Reports |
35305 | Removed "Whse. Receipt Wood" report from timber report setup | Reports |
35709 | Fixed the print of total parcels for the timber "Sales Shipment" and "Sales Pre-Shipment" reports | Reports |
36098 | Fixed excel export issue in combination with the doc.box FactBox | DocBox |
34295 | Improved EDI Partner ACADON to accept more references (RFF) for customer order number | EDI |
35317 | Fixed EDI Partner Hornbach INVOIC FTX and Supplier GLN | EDI |
23011 | Fixed the posting of a item where the the location requires shipment but the "Use Qty.To Ship in Shpts" is false | Other |
34767 | Added Import specific settings to Setup Wizard and Demo Module | Other |
35899 | Added item for Medite MDF to the demo tool to also have a plate example | Other |
36106 | Fixed issue that it was not possible to reset workflow templates | Other |