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Added support for the new Intrastat App/Feature

The new Intrastat App / Feature is now supported in Timber. 

To use this feature, please activate it in the Feature Management. Please also check the detailed MS Documentation here: Set up Intrastat reporting - Business Central | Microsoft Learn

Differences compared to the old logic:
  1. There is no action in the tariff numbers page to update anymore. Instead if the supplementary unit is changed in the tariff number, a question comes whether this should be changed in all items. And if you change a tariff number on the item, it updates automatically.
  2. The general process is now aligned to the standard process. This means that when you get the lines with "Suggest Lines", the supplementary quantity is calculated automatically. Changing fields like "Net Weight" or "Supplementary Unit of Measure" will recalculate the values Total Weight and/or Supplementary Quantity. You can use the "Recalc.  Weight and Suppl. UOM" action to refresh the "Net Weight" or "Supplementary Unit of Measure" from the Item and recalculate based on the new values.
  3. If in any step an errors occurs, then these are not to be seen any more in a column. Instead they are shown in the "Error Messages" Factbox.