Table of Contents

Added new Cues for Shipping schedule and Containers to the Purchase Rolecenter

On the purchasing role center there are several new tiles, this will give the purchaser insight on the containers and purchase order shipment. the following tiles have been added.
- Upcoming shipment
Shows the number of shipments from the purchase that are yet to come.

- Past Receipt Date
Shows the number purchase lines that are past the expected receipt date that hasn't been delivered.

- Containers Underway
Shows the number of containers where the estimated time of arrival is after current work date and are yet to be unloaded

- Containers ETA Due
Shows the number of containers where the estimated time of arrival + the days specified at the "Wood setup (Purchase)" are before the work date.

- Containers To Arrive
Shows the number of containers that have the estimated time of arrival within the given range specified at the "Wood setup (Purchase)".
- Containers Past Storage Date
Shows the number of containers that exceeded the max free duty storage date.

-Containers Available After Customs
Shows the number of the containers that are available after customs

- Terminal Handling Required
Shows the number of containers that require terminal handling.

styling of the cue's can be set up with the following action