Report Setup
The Report setup includes all setup options for all reports and displays them on one page.
First of all, please execute the initial setup with the action "Init Initial Setup".
Dynamic Report Header
This Option allowes to dynamically change the report header, which is printed on the first page.
Furthermore, it can be set up here from which table the images are drawn.
The design is struktured like this:
It is possible to set 3 different header and footer logos. In the register pictures, the table and field where the logo should be drawn from and as well the alignment can be choosen. There could be more lines, so that you can setup more logos for one report.
The centered header logo's size is 18,9 cm x 3,7 cm (aspect ratio of 8,4 to 1) and the left and right header logo's size is 6,5 cm x 2,25 cm.
The centered footer logo's size is 18,9 cm x 3,7 cm and the left and right footer logo's size is 6,4 cm x 3,7 cm.
The pictures are proportional adapted to the above mentioned sizes.
If on the request page of the report, the field "Print Header Logo" is set to true or the field "Print Footer Option" is set to Logo
, the choosen logos are printed.
The left and right header section can be specified separately. For that, there has to be at least a table no. and a field id. By default, the field caption will be used on the report, but there is the possibillity to change the caption. To change the caption, there is a translation action for both, header and footer section.
Field No. Tablerelation
The format of the values can be changed for each field. Available formats are bold, italic and underlined. If a field has a relation to another table, you can access the related fields with the field "Relation Field Id". When this is not possible, there is no lookup on the field. This is usefull e.g. for the IDM, because with this functionallity it is possible to print the employee name.
Visibillity Table ID and Visibillity Field ID
Field values can be hidden, depending on the setup. Therefore are the fields "Visibillity Table Id" and "Visibillity Field Id". Only fields with boolean values can be used.
Always Print Caption
The field "Always Print Caption" specifies if the field caption or translation should be printed although the field has no value.
The default font Calibri is printed in the font size 9 pt.
Certificate logo
The height of the line for the certificate logo will be adapted to the height of the deposited logo. Therefore, the logos should be deposited with a width of up to 11mm for each certificate organization.
Dynamic Report Lines
It is possible to add additional lines with dynamic values.
To add a new line, please use the action New
On the general tab, it is possible to add a custom text which will be printed on the selected Report. This text can contain multiple placeholders, which need to have the following format: %<Placeholder ID>
(e.g. %1, %2, ...)
In the Placeholder Tab, it is possible to specify the placeholder. These can be either Values of the corresponding table or special values. It is possible to hide the complete line, if a placeholder value is empty.
It is also possible to define for which lines this text is shown. By default it is shown for all lines, but it can be changed to be only shown for all items, items with a specific item category or a specific item.
With the action Translations, you can add translations for different languages. Please keep in mind to use the Placeholders as well.