Implemented extended navigation in the Prod. Partial Post Online

For the Prod. Partial Post Online module an extend navigation was implemented. When passing the line information you can now navigate directly to the Prod. Order Line and input the unit. The json needs to have the following information:

{"no":"<Prod. Order No.>","lineNo":<Prod. Order Line No.>,"payload": {"unit":<Unit to input>,"skipConfirmation":"<true/false>","skipCompletion":"<true/false>"}}
{"no":"PROD001337","lineNo":10000,"payload": {"unit":10,"skipConfirmation":"true","skipCompletion":"true"}}

When substituting the Prod. Order No. and the Prod. Order Line No. the app will automatically navigate to the Prod. Order Line. The payload is optional. When adding the payload with the unit, the app will also automatically set the unit to post. skipConfirmation automatically confirms the unit and skipCompletion completes the process.